Sermon listings


Sunday, 10:00 AM Worship & Praise - Wednesday, 6:30 PM mid-week bible study

MARCH 2025

"Tar-baby relationships” John 7:1-5

“Washing the feet of Judas” John 13:11-12

“Show me the Glory" Exodus 33:17-23

"There's a little donkey in all of us" Mark 11:1-8


"Stay woke" Matthew 26:36-45

"The Lord is Good" Nahum 1:7

"Wisdom for the journey" Matthew 10:16-20

"Moving from excuses to execution" John 5:1-9


"When the end of the story looks better"  Hebrews 11:8-11

"Stretch marks” Jeremiah 1:4-8

“Leaving the past behind" Philippians 3:12-14

"We are blessed, to be a blessing" Matthew 5:1-16


“Consider…why I have not been considered “ Job 1:5-9

“Do you see what I see” Matthew 2:10
“The fight for your soul” Genesis 32:22-32

From a solo to a symphony” Luke 18:35-43

"I ain't gone die right here" 2 Kings 7: 3-7


"How soon we forget" Luke 17:14-17

Hebrews 4:12

“Seeing God through all of this” Isaiah 6:1
“Climate change” Matthew 9:18-26


“Flesh and blood” Matthew 6:16, 1 Corinthians 15:15, Ephesians 6:12

“Faith without faithfulness" Luke 17:1-5

"Don’t waste your pain” 2 Thessalonians 1:3-5



"What ever happened to sin?” Romans 1:28-32


"Order in the church" 1 Corinthians 14:40

Matthew 5:1-13

“Look what praise will do" 2 Chronicles 20:21Judges 3:1-4



"How does it look to you now?" Haggai 2:1-3

"It's time to cross over" Joshua 3:1-13

"Love thy church" 1 Chronicles 29:3-5

“When your animals won't shut up” 1 Samuel 15:10-15



"This is my body which is broken for you" 2 Corinthians 11:24

"Let the church roll on" 2 Timothy 4:1-8

"Living with your Laban" Gensis 30:25-28

“Baby mama drama" Genesis 30:1-13


JUNE 2024

"The stupidity of taking the shortcut" Genesis 25:29-34

“From Pillow To Pillar” Genesis 28:10-11, 18

"When your heart isn't right, Godly things will look ungodly" 

“A crooked halo" Genesis 25

"The night the lights went out" Exodus 10:23-24


MAY 2024


"You don't know how good you got it, until you get out of it" 


“You're running out” John 2:1-3; Philippians 4:6

APRIL 2024

“Why some people don’t like you” Judges 3:1-4
"Washing the feet of Judas" John 13:1-30

"Round and Round" 

"The Opposite of an Eclipse" Joshua  10:6-14

MARCH 2024

"Giving is an expression of love" John 3:16

"The King wants to see you" II Samuel 9:3-7

"The right to remain silent” Isaiah 53:6-7

“Can we trust the Bible” 2 Peter 1:16-21


"Eyes wide shut” Mark 8:13-18

“The love language of Jesus” John 21:11-22

“Bounce with Me" Philippians 4:10-13

"Learning how to play dead" Acts 14:19


“Preparation for Restoration” Ezra 1:1-2
“What else?” Mark 10:17-22

Psalms 137

“The opposite of going forward” Exodus 14:10-12


“Going Forward” Philippines 3:12-14

“No room for Jesus” Luke 2:1-7

“You need Jesus in every season”

“When the answer keeps knocking “ Acts 12:5-6; 11-16

"Trying to redo what God has already done" Colossians 1:15


"Church business 2024" John 6:45

”Thank Him for all of it” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

“Just keep on living “ Joshua 14:6-12

“The ugliness of praise” Genesis 37:18-30


‘The state of the Church of Christ’

”It’s an employment problem” I Samuel 25:14-19

“Meaningless Motion” Hebrews 9:1-7

“This is my church” Nehemiah

“What you gonna do?” Matthew 21:28-32


What is your service plan?" Joshua 24:14-15

"Nobody likes a tattletale" Luke 10:38-42

"How reasonable is your service" Romans 12:1

"The chosen few" Matthew 20:1-16


"Guilty as charged" Luke 13:6-9

“Why the Church is built to last” Matthew 16:13-18
"Is there a place for me at church?" Leviticus 21:16-23

"From rags to riches" Zachariah 3

JULY 2023

"What to do with the leftovers” John 6:1-14

The State of the Church” 

“Half-hearted commitment" Psalm 37:5

"The ministry of working together" Philippians 2:19-30

JUNE 2023

"If you only knew me before I met Christ" John 4:28-29; 39-42

“Two fathers" Romans 5:19; John 8:34-44

"A bad case of being bent out of shape" Luke 13:10-17

"When it isn't what you expected" Luke 7:18-21

MAY 2023

“This thing called memory" Luke 22:14-16

"Don’t think with your stomach” Genesis 25:27

“The power of a mother” Psalms 22:1-11

"It's a mean, messed up world" 2 Timothy 3:1-5

APRIL 2023

"Has anyone seen Barabbas?" Mark 15:1-15

"Lord, deliver me from me" Romans 7:14-25

"I think I am going to throw up" Genesis 29:31


"A Promise, a Praise, and a Process" Mark 11:9-11

MARCH 2023

"When Jesus drops the mic" Luke 4:16

"When the tables turn" 2 Chronicles 20:22

"How to keep the faith in the waiting" Romans 4:17-25

"The God who opens and shuts doors” Acts 16:6-10


“The truth about your trials” James 1:13-15
”Give me something to shout about “ 2 Chronicles 4

“Some strange advice” James 1

"An introduction to James” James 1


"In the beginning"  Genesis 1

"The danger of auto-correcting God" 1 Samuel 15

"It's time to catch a break" 1 Samuel 30:1-6

"Dear South Central” Exodus 16:4-5
”One more year" Luke 13:6


"The strangest army that has ever assembled"

"A Thanksgiving Lifestyle" Luke 17:11-19

"A sick lamb on the altar" Malachi 1:14



"I'm appealing to a higher court" Job 16

"It's a civil war" Romans 3:10

"Walking with a limp" Genesis 32

"The power of His Presence" Exodus 33:12-16

"Sin in the royal family" 2 Samuel 13:12-14


"When you tell it" Acts 4:24

"COMMITMENT THROUGH COVID  Series: "Will you also go away?" John 6:66,67

"COMMITMENT THROUGH COVID  Series: "Involved but not committed" Joshua 24

"Genesis 12"


"South Central Sunday Live"

"Lord, I need some help" Mark 10:46-52

"What are you waiting for? Just do it now!" Joshua 18

"This time, tomorrow"

JULY 2022


"Don't wait 'till it's over, shout now" Joshua 6:1

"The Penitentiary of Want" Psalms 23:1

"Is it alright with you? II Kings 4:25-26

"What's right with the church" Acts 4:32-34

JUNE 2022

"Satan, your request is denied" 

"This is us!" Acts 2:40-47

"Ant Tales" Proverbs 6; Proverbs 30

"Learning to play dead" Acts 14:19-24

May 2022

"The praise haters" 2 Samuel 6

A Deadly "I don't care" Matthew 27:1-4

"The Religion of a Cricket" Romans 1:21

"Do you know  John Three Sixteen?" 

APRIL  2022

"Let's talk about the Holy Ghost" Genesis 1:1,2


"The Lord needs it"

"A Righteous thing with the Lord"

MARCH  2022

"God said it, I believe it and that settles it"

"Blind Entitlement" Joshua 17:14-18

"A Daylight Savings Time Event" Joshua 10:12,13



"Racism in the Church" Acts 6:1-5

"Never Alone" Deuteronomy 3:1-8

"Bricks without Straw" Exodus 5:6-12

"A History, A Heritage and a Future" Esther 4:12-14


"The God of all possibilities" Matthew 19:23-26

"We need Hope" I Peter 1:1-12

Part II:   "What to do when the government goes crazy" Daniel 3:13-30

Part I:   "What to do when the government goes crazy" Daniel 3:1-7; 8-16

December  2021

"Will the church survive?" Daniel 2:44

"The problem with having too many people at church" Judges 7:1-3;4-24

"Let's put up or shut up" Mark 7:5-9

November  2021

Series: What Lies in the Bible: "They lied and they died!" Acts 5:1-11

Series: What Lies in the Bible: "Lying to yourself" II Corinthians 10:4,5

Series: What Lies in the Bible!: "Look out for the Liars and the Lions" I Kings  13

Series: What Lies in the Bible!: "Tell me what I want to hear" I Kings 22:7-8

October  2021

Series: What Lies in the Bible!: "A God Blessed Lie" Exodus 1:17-21

Series: What Lies in the Bible!: "The First Big Lie" Genesis 3:1-7

"Are you married or just going with the church?" Ephesians 5:25-32

1 Samuel 28:7

"When Deep calls to Deep" Psalms 42:1-7

September  2021

"The Elijah Syndrome" I Kings 19:1-9

"Trouble @ the Gate" (*) Matthew 7:21-23

"Failing Foundations" Psalm 11:3

"Jesus takes a break" Mark 7:24-32

August 2021

"There is a balm in Gilead" Jeremiah 8:18-22

Talking loud and saying nothing" 1 Corinthians 13:1-2
"Keep it Pushing" Philippians 3:12

"Common Calamities" John 2:3

"Christ, your Cross and your kinfolk" Mark 3:1-35

July 2021

"You'll need somebody" Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

"When your but gets in the way" Hebrews 10:24-25

"The facts of life" Hebrews 9:27
"An Enemy has done this" Matthew 13:24-30

June 2021

"Do you know who you are?" Matthew 16:13-20

"Have you, seen my Father" John 14:8

"Standing on the promises of God" 2 Peter 1:4

"God Gets Us Hebrews" 4:14-16

MAY  2021

Part II: "What do you need the church for?" Acts 2:41-47

Part I: "What do you need the church for?" Acts 2:42-48

"The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing!" Matthew 6:25-31

"A Mother in Israel" Judges 5:6-7

"Lord, it's good for us to be here" Matthew 17:4

APRIL 2021

"Understanding the Times" I Chronicles 12:32

"That low down, dirty Governor" Matthew 27:11-26

"Let's come back another way" 

MARCH 2021

Part III: "When Ordinary People Give" I Chronicles 21:18-27

Part II:  "When Ordinary People Give" I Chronicles 21:18-27

Part I:   "When Ordinary People Give" I Chronicles 21:18-27

LOVING GOD BACK Series: "How to love someone you dont even like!" I John 3:16-23enesis 22; Matthew 27


LOVING GOD BACK Series: "The love that kills" Genesis 22; Matthew 27

LOVING GOD BACK Series: "You've lost that lovely feeling" Revelation 2:1-7

LOVING GOD BACK Series: "One of a kind love affair" John 3:16,17


"Don't let the past...become bigger than your future" Philippians 3:12-14; Isaiah 43:18

"The Tragedy of a Lie" Genesis 3:1-6

"Where's the Fellowship?" Genesis 3:8-9

"Are your lights on?" Exodus 10:21-23


"Maybe Next Year" Luke 13:6-8

"The Wisdom of our Worship" Matthew 2:1-12

"God with Us" Isaiah 7:7-14

"Surrounded by Enemies" Judges 3:1-4


"Suffering Outcomes" I Peter 5:6-11

"Suffering Options" I Peter 5:12-17

"Suffering Instructions" I Peter 1:3-9

"When it all turns Out" - Won't God do it? Romans 8:28; 15:4

"When it all turns Out" Romans 8:28; 15:4




Part II: "I need you and you need me" 1 Corinthians 12:12-22

Part I:  "I need you and you need me" 1 Corinthians 12:12-22

"These are those times" 1 Timothy 3:1


"The Church has left the building" Mark 16:15,16

ENDURANCE Series: "High Hopes in Hard Times"  Luke 21:10-19

ENDURANCE Series: "God Endures"  James 1:17

ENDURANCE Series: "It's a chain reaction"  Romans 5:1-5


"God has not forgotten about you"  2 Samuel 9:3-7

"When a lockdown becomes a breakout"  Acts 16:25, 26

"Please Jesus, Breathe on Us"  John 20:19-22

"When enough is enough" Revelation 2:8-12

JULY 2020

"Don't Come out too Early"  Genesis 8:13-16


"When Jesus shut the church down"  John 2:13-17

"A blessing in disguise"  I Samuel 30

JUNE 2020

A Pandemic of Prejudice: The People, the police and the president  James 2:1-10

The Quarantined Series: * pending

They Kill the Sons . Exodus 1:8-22

"The Point Of It All" . Matthew 15:29-39 (*) * pending

MAY 2020

The Quarantined Series: * pending

The Quarantined Series: "It Might Get Worse Before It Gets Better"  II Timothy 1:7 

The Quarantined Series: * pending

The Quarantined Series: "We Hope"  I Peter 3:15 

The Quarantined Series: * pending

APRIL 2020

The Quarantined Series: "A Hard Time Hallelujah"  2 Kings 6  

The Quarantined Series: "When It All runs Out" 2 Kings 7

The Quarantined Series: * pending

The Quarantined Series: "STAY IN THE HOUSE"  Joshua 2:17-21

MARCH 2020

"No Matter What" Daniel 6

He Ain't Talking About Me Series: "Watching for the Lord; Waiting for the Thief" Luke 12:37-39

"A Cry of Desperation...The Lord Will Deliver"  2 Timothy 3:1-9 (*)

"The Quarantined Series: "Keep Singing the Lord's Songs" Psalms 137:1 


Breaking Loose Series: "What Goes Around Comes Back Around...AND Around" Genesis 37:31-35

"I'm Coming Out Better Than I Went In"  John 5:1-9 . (*)  

"Are You Full Of It?"  Acts 5:14-16

"A Superlative Sacrifice" 2 Samuel 23:13-17


"A Prayer for the New Year" 1 Chronicles 4:9-10

Breaking Loose Series: "I Feel like Breaking loose" Genesis 27:39-4, Genesis 33

Breaking Loose Series: "Sleeping with an Illusion" Genesis 29:21-27

Breaking Loose Series: "I Surrender NOT Quite All" Hosea 12:3-5

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